Cecilie Manz is a representative Danish designer. This Exhibition asks what accounts for the finely-honed sensations of her work. Her first solo show in Japan opens soon and will explore the background to this creative practice.
バング&オルフセン、フリッツハンセン、フレデリシアなど、北欧のトップブランドとの協働を続けるセシリエ・マンツ。日本でも有田焼のプロジェクト〈1616 Arita Japan〉や広島の家具メーカー、マルニ木工から新作を発表、2023年4月にはエルメスの家具コレクションも手がけるなど、多方面でめざましい活動を続けている。
Manz collaborates with top Scandinavian brands, such as Bang & Olufsen, Fritz Hansen and Fredericia Furniture. While in Japan she released a new ceramic project “CMA Clay” for “1616 Arita Japan”. With Maruni, a woodworking company from Hiroshima, she did En furniture collection. Manz’s remarkable portfolio also includes furniture for Hermès, released this April 2023.
Manz’s designs are referred to as noble and calm. Their simplicity and high functionality make them appropriate to any setting. Close attention to her work process reveals core concepts, as well as individual stories, and throughout a delicate consideration for detail and form.
As Manz seeks the deeper meaning of an idea, she repeats experiments, trying out various possibilities. Her attitude sometimes seems as if she were looking at things with a character and perspective outside herself.
そんなセシリエ・マンツが日本初の個展となる本展〈TRANSPOSE 発想のめぐり〉をBaBaBaとmaruni tokyoの2会場で開催する。TRANSPOSEとは、物事の転移、置き換えを意味し、音楽用語では移調を示す言葉。物事をどのように捉え、見つめ、時代を刻むデザインへと変容させているのか。その環境と過程を独自の手法で紹介していく。
This first solo show in Japan is titled TRANSPOSE: Turning Ideas Around. To ‘transpose’ means to move or replace. In music it refers to a change of key. We ask how Manz views and captures phenomena, transforming things with her contemporary designs. Exhibits demonstrate the unique environment in which her acts of transposition occur.
The Exhibition features a total of 200 objects including many of Manz’s representative pieces. Also included are objects such as tools found in her atelier, things she loves to use, and ongoing projects. Visitors will be exposed to scenes from her daily life, and to her memories of Arita, where her ceramicist parents took her as a child. The venue has a long table covered with Kvadrat textile “Floyd”, its fringe beautifully standing out. On this five stories are told. The Exhibition will offer a wonderful sense of proximity with this top designer.
セシリエ・マンツ展〈TRANSPOSE 発想のめぐり〉
2023.05.20 Sat. – 6.30 Fri.
セシリエ・マンツ展〈TRANSPOSE 発想のめぐり -A Hint of Colour〉
@maruni tokyo
2023.05.25 Thu. – 6.30 Fri.
[Exhibition Information]
Cecilie Manz: TRANPOSE
1F Shimoochiai 2-5-15, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo
2023.05.20 Sat. – 6.30 Fri.
@ Maruni Tokyo
Cecilie Manz: TRANPOSE -A Hint of Colour
Nihonbashi 3-6-13, Chuo-ku, Tokyo
2023.05.25 Thu. – 6.30 Fri.
Closed on Wednesdays
Free Admission